Sunday - Week 6 - Mont Blanc

Laurentide Sunday



  2. Report cards
  3. Ski By Evaluations
  4. Class management
  5. Bathroom Stops
  6. Choice of terrain


Hi Everyone,

This is our final day!  We want to send the kids home with a smile on their faces and great memories.  Consolidate what you have been teaching them over the season and make sure that everyone has something personal to work on.

Sunday will be a THEME DAY...and in honour of the Super Bowl, the theme is SPORTS DAY! Wear your a jersey, uniform or decorate your helmet. Be creative!

This week we are going to Mont Blanc.  Mont Blanc has three sides (1. Versant Mont Blanc aka the "Hotel" side, 2. Versant Faustin and 3. Versant Nord), we are meeting on the Faustin side, so please look at the map and make sure that you are going to the correct chalet. Allow extra driving time - Mont Blanc is farther away!

Clinic starts at 8:25 outside. Double-check the staff FB page Saturday night for updates or better yet sign up for the staff text updates. Pack your bags the night before so you don’t forget your helmet…gloves…pants…etc

2. Progress Cards

All progress cards need to be handed in before clinic.  If you are missing a card for a student, we will have extras available in the morning for you to fill out.  If you have a card for a student that does not belong in your class, bring that card to Brahm in the morning and we will get it to the correct instructor.


The instructor with the best report cards will receive a prize.


3. Evaluations

If you have students that missed the evaluations last week, we will have a shortened version on the Suisse (green) and the Lynx (blue).  We will assign the times during clinic.

4. Class management

I stay at the class signs after each lesson and after the start of each lesson (AM & PM).  Please check the absence lists before 10am.  The classes start at 10am sharp.  If you are missing kids, you are to do a run and come back to the class signs.  Once you have dropped off your pinnie kids with their bus monitor, you are free to go (unless we have a meeting).  Amanda and I will deal with the kids until the parents arrive.

You must end your lessons on time.  You will have a +/- 5-minute window to show up at the class signs.  IF you are early, stop midway up the run and review what you did and make sure that everyone knows what they are working on.  If you will be more than 5 minutes late, I need to know, call me 514-975-7373.  We will go over some tips during the clinic to help you out.

There are a lot of parents that are watching us and they have paid for a full lesson.  If you show up early, they WILL call the office and complain.  If you show up late, they worry that something has happened to their kids.  Make it easy for those of us who deal with the parent complaints after the lessons and teach a full lesson and arrive on time.

5. Bathroom stops

Due to the tiny washrooms in the Faustin chalet, every class must make a pitstop at the Hotel chalet to use the washroom halfway through the morning and afternoon lesson. For the higher level groups, you can also pitstop at the North side.  

6. Choice of terrain

The easiest run down the Faustin side is Panda.  The easiest run down the Hotel side is Yodel.  Both Panda and Yodel have steep pitches that can be avoided with a bypass.  

Reduce the speed of your group as you approach the class signs or the chairlift.

Ski on appropriate terrain and at the speed of your class.  Stop or slow down at intersections to avoid losing students, making sure that all of your class is behind you.  

7. Instructor Jackets

If you have taught 3 seasons - the jacket is yours.

For everyone else:

If you know for sure that you will not teach next winter, e.g. you are moving away from Montreal, please return the jacket to us at the end of the day this Sunday. If you are teaching during March Break Snow Camp or you think you would like to teach next winter, you can hold on to your jacket.

At 3:30pm - we will wrap up the season with some prizes and awards. Refreshments provided.

Lesson Plan