Saturday - Week 1 - Belle-Neige

Laurentide Saturday

Week 1 - January 11, 2025 - Belle-Neige

Hope you a fun, relaxing holiday break! We are excited for Week #1 of the Laurentide program this weekend.

You will receive a printed attendance card on Saturday morning, so you do not have to print a copy of the attached attendance card.  Take some time to learn the names of the kids before Day 1.  There may be some changes between now and Day 1 so the lists may be slightly different.  The group numbers are NOT in order of level.

At the end of the day indicate in the “description” column for each student if they are aggressive (1) or cautious (2) and the type of terrain that they are best suited for.  If a student needs to be moved up or down, indicate what level you think that they should be moved to.

Prepare your lesson focusing on Balance (Centered and Mobile) for the first two weeks.  Please submit your lesson plan for Week 1 as soon as possible at  You can also reach this link from the staff homepage.  It should take you about 5 minutes to complete but will save you a lot of time on the slopes.


Notes for Week # 1

The season kicks off at Belle Neige located at 6820 Rte 117, Val-Morin, Quebec J0T 2R0.

The easiest run from the top of the mountain is #1 (Benoit Dufresne). Note that green runs #17 and #18 are out of bounds - they are used for the snow park and freestyle club.

Clinic starts at 8:25 outside. During the morning clinic, you will be shown where the flags will be located and a tour of the mountain.  The supervisors will indicate which runs are appropriate for your group.

Double-check the staff FB page Saturday night for updates or better yet sign up for the staff text updates (text @rrstaff03 to 289-210-8902). You can also consult the Trip Status page on the main Rod Roy website. Pack your bags the night before so you don’t forget your helmet…gloves…pants…etc.​

  • Confirm your spot in the car with your carpool
  • Arrive at the ski hill by 8:00.  You need to be outside at the lifts at 8:25am for the morning clinic with your supervisors.
  • Lessons are from 10:00-12:00 & 13:00-15:00. Arrive at the class line-up area 10 minutes before the start of each lesson.

All classes will need to do their first run at the Magic Carpet (beginner area) to verify that students new to RR can turn and control their speed.  Check with your supervisor before you head for the main chairlifts.

Ski school chairlift policy:  Children ages 8 & under must always ride the chairlift with an adult.  This policy also applies to beginners and children ages 9 & older who are too small to pull down the safety bar. 

All students wearing a Rod Roy pinnie (indicates that they are in the full supervision program) must always be with a Rod Roy staff member.

Ski on appropriate terrain and at the speed of your class.  Stop or slow down at intersections to avoid losing students, making sure that all of your class is behind you.  

During the morning clinic, you will be shown where the flags (class lineup) will be located and a tour of the mountain.  The supervisors will indicate which runs are appropriate for your group.

Ski Improvement Sessions

Want to boost your ski skills? ⛷️ Sign up now for our staff improvement sessions!  Join us after lessons from 3:30-5:00 PM and elevate your skiing. Limited spots available, so don't miss out!

Ski Improvement session sign up

Saturday - Week 6 - Mont Blanc
Laurentide Saturday